Find shortest path
Create graph and find the shortest path. On the Help page you will find tutorial video.
Create graph and find the shortest path. On the Help page you will find tutorial video.
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Your algorithm was sent to check and in success case it will be add to site.
Select and move objects by mouse or move workspace.
Drag cursor to move objects
Select and move objects by mouse or move workspace.
Drag cursor to move objects
Click to workspace to add a new vertex. Vertex enumeration
Select first vertex of edge
Select second vertex of edge
Select the initial vertex of the shortest path
Select the end vertex of the shortest path
Shortest path length is %d
Path does not exist
Click on the object to remove
Add edge
Adjacency Matrix
the lowest distance is
Incidence matrix
Saving Graph
The number of connected components is
The number of weakly connected components is
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fix matrix
Matrix has wrong format
Save Graph Image
Full report
Short report
Graph has not Eulerian cycle
Graph has Eulerian cycle
Custom text
Add vertex
Rename vertex
Edit weight
has no weight
Group rename
Recommend algorithms
Graph has not Eulerian path
Graph has Eulerian path
Graph of minimal distances
Check to save
Show distance matrix
Distance matrix
Select a source of the maximum flow
Select a sink of the maximum flow
Maximum flow from %2 to %3 equals %1
Flow from %1 in %2 does not exist
Graph has not Hamiltonian cycle
Graph has Hamiltonian cycle
Graph has not Hamiltonian path
Graph has Hamiltonian path
Select start traversal vertex
Traversal order:
Edge bend
Save graph
Vertex Style
Edge Style
Multigraph does not support all algorithms
has no weight
Use Cmd⌘ to select several objects.
Use Ctrl to select several objects.
Drag group.
Copy group
Delete group
Breadth-first search
Graph coloring
Find connected components
Depth-first search
Find Eulerian cycle
Find Eulerian path
Floyd–Warshall algorithm
Arrange the graph
Find Hamiltonian cycle
Find Hamiltonian path
Find Maximum flow
Search of minimum spanning tree
Visualisation based on weight
Search graph radius and diameter
Find shortest path using Dijkstra's algorithm
Find shortest path using Bellman–Ford's algorithm
Calculate vertices degree
Weight of minimum spanning tree is
In time of calculation we have ignored the edges direction.
Graph is disconnected
Select first graph for isomorphic check. Click to any node of graph
Select second graph for isomorphic check. Click to any node of graph
Select a template graph by clicking to any node of graph
Choose a graph in which we will look for isomorphic subgraphs. Click to any node of this graph
Graphs are isomorphic
Graphs are not isomorphic
Number of isomorphic subgraphs are
Graph doesn't contain isomorphic subgraphs
Search isomorphic subgraphs
Isomorphic subgraph #
To use the algorithm, you need to create 2 separate graphs
Check Graphs Isomorphism
Graph is disconnected
Graph contains only one vertex
Graph radius
Graph diameter
The maximum degree of a graph is
Color number is
Common edge style
Selected edge style
Common vertex style
Selected vertex style
Find all paths
Number of paths from
Path #
Select finish vertex
Select start vertex
Find all shortest paths from vertex
Distance from
Path to
Use context menu for additional actions.
Find the longest path
Length of the longest path from
Special actions
Reverse all edges
Make all edges undirected
Make all edges directed
Edge list format is incorrect
Reuse saved edge
Max Clique
Max Clique is not found
Max Clique size is
. Clique contains these vertecies:
Wrong image format. Only JPEG and PNG are supported
Image size is too big. Image size must be less than {0} pixels.
Original graph
Autosaved graph
Would you like to load original graph or autosaved graph?