Creating graph by Edge List
On this page you can enter edge list and plot graph
Enter edge list. Each edge should be placed on a new line. Use "-" as separator between vertices. E.g. 1-2. Read about extended format below.
Edge List
Edge list format is incorrect. Format of edge should be like: vertex1-vertex2. Read about extension format below.
Extended format
Using extended format you may set up directed and weighted edges. Разные варианты использования:
- a-b - edge between a and b.
- a>b - directed edge from a to b.
- a<b - directed edge from b to a.
- a-(8)-b - weighted edge between a and b with weigth 8.
- a-(3.5)>b - directed edge from a to b with weight 3.5.
- a<(1)-b - directed edge from b to a with weight 1.